Congratulations, Arif, on successfully defending Ph.D. Thesis!

  • May 10, 2024
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Arif Mohd Kamal successfully defended his Ph.D. on May 9, 2024. His doctoral research focused on designing and developing an optical modality-based probe for breast cancer diagnosis. Arif is the recipient of the prestigious PMRF and has published papers in IEEE Sensors, Journal of Biophotonics, IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, Journal of Biomedical Optics, and […]

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Rathin’s work on an auditory-evoked brainwave analyzer for automated hearing screening has been covered by the media!

  • May 7, 2024
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Rathin, his team, and clinical collaborators from KIMS Hubli have developed and validated an innovative system for the automated extraction of auditory-evoked EEG, using the developed stimuli-evoked EEG response extractor system, including stimuli generation, biopotential acquisition, a customized headband and response extraction and interpretation modules. The developed automated ERP extractor system can accurately capture brainstem […]

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Easescan in the News!

  • April 25, 2024
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Easescan Medtech Private Limited is a startup founded by Rathin K Joshi, Hari R.S., and Ajay Krishnan A. The company is currently incubated at CPDMed TBI IISc. Apart from the three founders, the Easescan team includes Dr. Hardik J. Pandya as the scientific advisor, Dr. Manjunath Dandi as the Clinical Advisor, Dr. Srinivas Madhusudhan Kandada […]

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Congratulations, Rathin, on successfully defending Ph.D. Thesis!

  • April 23, 2024
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Rathin defended his Ph.D. on April 22, 2024. His thesis, “Event-Related Potential Interpretation Approaches for Neonatal Hearing Screening,” focused on designing, developing, and validating neonatal hearing screening systems. He was co-advised by Professor Chetan Singh Thakur. Rathin’s doctoral research resulted in two patents (one granted, one in progress), two peer-reviewed journal papers (Q1), four conference […]

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Congratulations, Rathin and Team, on obtaining a patent!

  • April 15, 2024
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Inventors: Rathin K. Joshi, Ajay Krishna A, Hari R S, Hardik J. Pandya Patent Abstract: The invention includes the design of a portable and wearable headband with three electrodes for subjective assessment of cortical and brainstem-evoked auditory response extraction. Three electrode slots are designed for two configurations: (i) Fpz, Fz, and Cz, and (ii) Fpz, […]

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Sreenivas Bhaskara awarded the SERB-ITS Travel Grant

  • March 23, 2024
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Sreenivas Bhaskara received the SERB – ITS Travel Grant to attend and present his work on “A Novel Charge Neutral, Programmable, Wireless Brain Stimulation System for Rat Experiments” at the 8th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Applications held during March 18-21, 2024 in Tokyo, Japan.  

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Dr. Hardik J. Pandya presented work on advanced healthcare technologies at IIT Jammu

  • March 9, 2024
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On March 8, 2024, Dr. Hardik J. Pandya presented research work focused on the clinical challenges in neural engineering and breast cancer, highlighting the advancement of micro-engineered electronic devices to address these issues at the Indian Institute of Technology Jammu during the “Weekly Interdisciplinary Research Forum” conducted by Research for Minds (Re4M).  

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IIT Gandhinagar-Johns Hopkins University Collaborative Meeting

  • March 5, 2024
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At the collaborative meeting between IIT Gandhinagar and Johns Hopkins University to advance biomedical research at the Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar, Dr. Hardik J. Pandya presented a lecture titled “Microdevices and Systems for Neural Engineering.” The discussion focused on micro-engineered device research conducted at BEES Lab, Department of Electronic Systems Engineering, Indian Institute of […]

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