Easescan in the News!

  • April 25, 2024
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Easescan Medtech Private Limited is a startup founded by Rathin K Joshi, Hari R.S., and Ajay Krishnan A. The company is currently incubated at CPDMed TBI IISc. Apart from the three founders, the Easescan team includes Dr. Hardik J. Pandya as the scientific advisor, Dr. Manjunath Dandi as the Clinical Advisor, Dr. Srinivas Madhusudhan Kandada […]

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Congratulations, Rathin, on successfully defending Ph.D. Thesis!

  • April 23, 2024
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Rathin defended his Ph.D. on April 22, 2024. His thesis, “Event-Related Potential Interpretation Approaches for Neonatal Hearing Screening,” focused on designing, developing, and validating neonatal hearing screening systems. He was co-advised by Professor Chetan Singh Thakur. Rathin’s doctoral research resulted in two patents (one granted, one in progress), two peer-reviewed journal papers (Q1), four conference […]

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Congratulations, Rathin and Team, on obtaining a patent!

  • April 15, 2024
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Inventors: Rathin K. Joshi, Ajay Krishna A, Hari R S, Hardik J. Pandya Patent Abstract: The invention includes the design of a portable and wearable headband with three electrodes for subjective assessment of cortical and brainstem-evoked auditory response extraction. Three electrode slots are designed for two configurations: (i) Fpz, Fz, and Cz, and (ii) Fpz, […]

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