Email : Ipsita.san1@gmail.com
Ipsita Sanyal
B.E Electronics and Communication, RNS Institute of Technology (VTU), Bangalore
Research Interest:
- Internet of Things
- Embedded Systems
- Communication Protocol
- Biometrics and Security
- Artificial Intelligence
Project Undertaken:
Design of Dynamic MAC and PHY SoC for Low Power and Long-Range Networks
- Artificial neural networks approach for multimodal biometric authentication system ,Jun 26 2021 International Conference on Data Analytics & Management, Springer Lecture Notes.
- Transit from IEEE 802.15.4 to IEEE 802.15.4e : Literature Survey, July 5 2021, 4th National Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Science and Technology.
- Vibration Guided Automatic Vision for Enhanced Security, Dec 19, 2019 ,International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE). http://www.ijitee.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/v9i2S/B10761292S19.pdf