
E0 217: Efficient and Secure Digital Circuits and Systems (August 2024)


Instructor: Utsav Banerjee

Lecture Timings: Monday & Wednesday 11am-12pm

Lab / Tutorial Timings: Thursday 5:30pm

Location: TBD

Teaching Assistants: TBD


Course Description: This is an introductory graduate-level course on the design and analysis of digital circuits and systems with an emphasis on efficient and secure implementation aspects. This course will cover co-optimization of circuits, architectures and algorithms for the design of application-specific digital systems with different power, performance, area and energy-efficiency requirements. Techniques for securing such systems using efficient implementation of encryption, authentication and side-channel countermeasures will also be covered. Various digital circuit and system concepts will be introduced using a combination of lectures, homework assignments and a project.

Prerequisites: Basic understanding of digital electronic circuits.

Credits: 2:1

▶ Circuits: overview of CMOS digital circuit design, logic gates, combinational and sequential logic, finite state machines, arithmetic circuits, memories, timing considerations, power consumption

▶ Systems: overview of computer architecture, instruction set, hardware-software interaction, micro-controllers, hardware acceleration, FPGA and ASIC design
▶ Efficiency: gate-level optimization for power-performance-area, low-power versus energy-efficient implementation, pipelining, multi-level memories and caches
▶ Security: introduction to cryptography and hardware security, implementation of multi-precision modular arithmetic, side-channel attacks and countermeasures

1. J. M. Rabaey, A. P. Chandrakasan and B. Nikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits: A Design Perspective”.

2. N. H. E. Weste and D. M. Harris, “CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuits and Systems Perspective”.
3. D. M. Harris and S. L. Harris, “Digital Design and Computer Architecture”.
4. M. M. Mano and M. D. Ciletti, “Digital Design”.
5. Journal / Magazine Articles and Conference Papers.


Grading: The grade will be based on ten problem sets, two mid term exams, a final exam and a project. Assignments must be submitted by 11:59pm on the day they are due. Late submissions will not be accepted for grading. The final grade will be calculated approximately based on the following weights: Problem Sets (10%), Mid Term Exam 1 (10%), Mid Term Exam 2 (15%), Project (20%) and Final Exam (45%).

Problem Sets: The problem sets will contain questions based on numerical calculations as well as circuit / system / software simulations. Various open-source tools will be used for the simulation tasks and their setup instructions will be shared during the lab tutorials.

Project: There will be a set of well-defined projects to choose from and conduct in groups of 2-3. These projects will provide hands-on experience with the analysis and implementation aspects of digital circuits and systems.

Course Materials: Lecture slides, tutorials, simulation models, projects and additional readings will be shared using a Microsoft Teams group which will be accessible only to registered students.



    Reference Textbook Chapter Readings
Lecture Topic Ref. 1
Ref. 2
Ref. 3
Ref. 4
1 Introduction and Course Overview 1 & 2
2 MOS Transistor 3 2    
3 CMOS Inverter (Part 1) 5
4 CMOS Inverter (Part 2) 5 2
5 Combinational Logic
9 1 & 2
1 – 4
6 Sequential Logic
10 3
5 & 6
7 Timing Considerations
7 & 10
4 & 10
8 Power Consumption 6 5 & 9
9 Arithmetic Circuits (Part 1) 11 11 5
10 Arithmetic Circuits (Part 2) 11 11 5  
11 Memories 12 12 5
12 Design Trade-Offs (Part 1)        
13 Design Trade-Offs (Part 2)        
14 Design Trade-Offs (Part 3)        
15 FPGA and ASIC 8 14
16 Processor Architecture (Part 1)     6 & 7
17 Processor Architecture (Part 2)     6 & 7
18 Processor Architecture (Part 3)     6 & 7
19 Processor Architecture (Part 4)     6 & 7
20 Hardware Accelerators
21 Cryptography and Hardware Security        
22 Cryptographic Hardware Implementation        
23 Side-Channel Analysis
Hardware Security Primitives        
Advanced Topics