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Creating a Custom TivaWare Library

I Introduction In the realm of embedded systems development, efficient and streamlined access to hardware functionalities is paramount. TivaWare, a comprehensive set of peripheraldrivers and APIs provided by Texas Instruments, offers a ro- bust platform for...

Quadcopter Flight Controller

I Team Details 1. Toms Jiji Varghese (22567) 2. Sanidhya Saxena (22586) II Introduction Quadcopters, also known as multirotors or drones, are popular flying machines with diverse applications. This report outlines the development of a quadcopter ight controller using...

Leader-Follower Line Following Robots

Introduction: The Leader-Follower Line Following Robots project is a sophisticated system designed to autonomously navigate along a predefined path using two robots – a leader and a follower. The primary objective of the project is to demonstrate the...