
Open Day 2024

DESE’s in-house Electric Vehicle – TABBY

Electric vehicles use electric motors for propulsion instead of conventional internal combustion engines. This new mode of propulsion decreases greenhouse gas emissions as well as reduces dependency on fossil fuels.

Laser Engraver

A Laser engraver is a versatile tool for engineering applications as it can perform a wide variety of precision tasks including a. Etching and Cutting; b. Surface treatment; c. Product personalization. This demo is a small scale, functionally similar model for industrial engravers. Depending on the optical power of the laser diode, the material can be engraved to different degrees.


Plasma Analyzer Package for Aditya L1

Plasma Analyzer Package for Aditya L1 is one of the seven payloads which has flown in the first ever satellite dedicated to study of Sun from L1 point. The Payload provides energy distribution of electrons for different directions. Its Time-of-Flight section does mass spectrometry to resolve ions for different energy and direction. The energy and direction is controlled by providing voltages up to 5KV to its Direction and guiding plates.


Resonance in Tesla Coil

Wireless power transfer and music – the perfect couple exists! Here is an electrical resonant transformer to produce high voltage low current high frequency AC.


Augmented Reality Gun

If you’re a 90’s kid, you’d know TV games that required cassettes were the greatest source of entertainment. These consoles came with a gun controller that could be used to play aim and shoot games like duck hunt! We introduce to you, our version of this gun that can be used to play all kinds of aim and shoot games to add nostalgic flavor to modern first-person shooters!

Train Collision Avoidance System (TCAS)

This is a low-cost low maintenance system with a very low latency(20ms) that detects train location and track details with functionalities like speed control and prevention of collision of trains moving in railway crossings.


Homework Copier

Plotters are ubiquitous electro-mechanical machines that can be used for precision applications like engraving, milling, etching, and with addition of Z-axis 3D printing. This demonstration showcases the ability of XY plotters to track precise movement of hands while writing and replicate the same on a piece of paper.


Chess Playing Robot

The automatic chess board with a robotic arm represents a pioneering fusion of traditional chess gameplay and cutting-edge robotics. A sophisticated robotic arm is seamlessly integrated into the system, tasked with executing precise and strategic moves on the board. The Sunfish chess engine, a lightweight yet powerful AI, serves as the brain of the operation.



ARYABHAT is an analog chip used to implement ML algorithms on hardware.

FM Bugger

A whisper, a song, or a secret shared, With an FM Bugger, you’re on the air!

So, listen up close, and you just might hear, The sound of an FM Bugger, coming in clear.

It’s not a trick, it’s not a game, It’s the magic of radio, and FM’s the name!


Automated Indoor Plant Monitoring System

A system designed to remotely monitor indoor plants with capabilities of monitoring the soil, controlling the temperature and humidity, water supply and light and controlling the setup.

Waiter Bot

Once upon a time, in a bustling canteen called “IISC Sarvam,” there was always a long line of hungry folks waiting for their food. You see, when your order was ready, the staff would call out your order number. But sometimes, people were too busy chatting or lost in their own world with headphones on, and they missed hearing their number called. And oh boy, missing out on that delicious food caused quite a bit of stress! But then, something amazing happened! A clever solution was introduced: a robot waiter! Now, instead of waiting around, all you had to do was place your order and take a seat at the number the staff gave you.


Travelling Salesman Algorithm on Nano-drone

The Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classic optimization challenge where the objective is to find the shortest possible route that visits a set of given locations and returns to the origin.

PCB Inspection System

This PCB Inspection System is a vision-based detection system used for capturing high resolution images.  The system can detect removed / replaced components, scratches. The system supports scanning PCB boards of size up to 20cm*20 cm irrespective of the color of the board.


Card-Flip Magic

When data is stored on a disk or transmitted from one computer to another, we usually assume that it doesn’t get changed in the process. But sometimes things go wrong and the data is changed accidentally. This activity uses a magic trick to show how to detect when data has been corrupted and correct it.


Gesture Controlled LED Matrix

Gesture recognition is the ability of a computer or device to detect and interpret human gestures as input.


OCR Addon System for Indoor Air Quality Monitor

A low cost and economical application of internet of things, image processing and machine learning with capabilities like remote monitoring of equipment using optical character recognition, Google API support.

Urban Air Mobility

Urban Air Mobility (UAM) transforms urban transport by offering an aerial solution to congestion. Despite its potential, challenges like limited airspace and infrastructure can cause inefficiencies. The solution lies in a Collaborative Decision-Making System (CDMS), which pools stakeholder insights for objective decisions and ensures clear communication. CDMS streamlines UAM by facilitating coordination, setting priorities, and managing resources efficiently, tackling the challenges of demand, environmental conditions, and integrated mobility systems for seamless urban air travel.


Soft Robotic Probe for Tissue Characterization using TinyML

TinyML is a type of machine learning that allows models to run on smaller, less powerful devices. Here the capabilities are demonstrated with implementation in soft robotic probe for tissue characterization which can be used in brain surgery.


EpiSHOT: A Reusable Epinephrine Autoinjector

Epinephrine shots are crucial to tackle allergic reactions. EpiSHOT is the James Dyson Designing Award winning design that is a ready to use epinephrine autoinjector with simple disassembly for reloading and reusability.


Multispectral Pen for Rapid Breast Cancer Diagnosis

A prototype design for breast lumpectomy surgery and diagnosis of cancer cells which could provide results similar to histopathological study.


Point-of-Care Biosensors

Biosensors integrated with interdigitated electrodes with capabilities like Oral Cancer Screening, Bacteria Detection, Detection of Sars-COV Antigens, Cardiac biomarkers etc.

Self-Healing LoRa Network

LoRa stands for Long Range radio. It is a wireless modulation technique for communication using chirp spread spectrum. It is ideal for transmitting small data chunks over long distances. LoRa operates on license-free sub-gigahertz bands and is robust against disturbances.


tinyRADAR for Gesture Recognition

In the realm of human-machine interaction (HMI), hand gesture recognition (HGR) stands as a pivotal component, enabling natural and intuitive communication between humans and machines. This technology has witnessed extensive applications across diverse domains, including virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), smart homes/vehicles, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices. By eliminating the need for traditional controls, HGR enhances convenience, accessibility, and the overall user experience in smart living environments.


TinyML Inference using RAMAN

RAMAN stands for Re-configurable And Sparse tinyML Accelerator for INference on Edge. It is a form of Machine Learning with power & resource constraints for the edge. RAMAN uses multiple optimizations for TinyML.


Driver Assistant System

A system to assist the driver with automated engine on-off, seatbelt on-off, acceleration control, emergency break, reverse gear, automated door locking etc.

LED Cube

8×8×8 LED cube with Arduino UNO controlled display visuals.


USB Zone

Explore the generations of USBs, from the old USB A to the modern USB C with amazing data transfer and Power Delivery capabilities.

Tactile Cyber-Physical Systems


Diode PUF for Intelligent Electronic Devices


Musical Fountain

A musical fountain is a visual representation of music using water jets and lights. It involves processing sound signals to trigger fountains and lights at the right time instants to create a visual symphony that matches the music.


Musical Staircase

Step Up- Play On- Let Your Feet Create Melodies !

This interactive project will allow people to create music by stepping on the stairs, making it a fun and engaging experience for all ages.

Classic Tetris Game with LED Strips

Enjoy the good old Tetris game implemented using LED strips in 10×10 matrix.


Pepper’s Ghost

Pepper’s Ghost, Pepper’s Ghost, a sight to behold / An illusion of light, a story to be told.

Invisible to visible, in a blink of an eye / A ghost on the stage, under the spotlight’s sky.

A pane of glass, and a room out of sight/ Reflects an image, in the dark of the night.

It’s not a trick, it’s not a jest / It’s the magic of science, at its very best!

Pepper’s Ghost, Pepper’s Ghost, now you see/ The secret of the illusion, as easy as one-two-three.

So come one, come all, to the theatre tonight / For Pepper’s Ghost is sure to give a fright!!