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Touchscreen Interfacing with stm32 Board

This project is a part of embedded systems design-1 at DESE IISc Bangalore. This project aims to use various peripherals on analog add-on board like UART, LED’s, Buzzer through touchscreen. The board used is stm32-LCD .

Hardware Platform

The hardware’s used are

  • STM32 LCD from olimex
  • Analog Add-on board

STM32 LCD features

LCD TFT 320×240 pixels coloured with touch screen

STM32-lcd Bottom view

– Microcontroller – STM32F103ZE – high-performance ARM® Cortex™-M3 32-bit

RISC core operating at a 72 MHz frequency, high-speed embedded memories

(Flash memory – 512 Kbytes and SRAM – 64 Kbytes), and an extensive range of

enhanced I/Os and peripherals connected to two APB buses.

– JTAG connector

– EXT connector

– UEXT40 connector

– UEXT1 connector

– UEXT2 connector

– EXT_PWR connector

– Mini SD/MMC

– Mini USB

– LCD TFT 320×240 pixels coloured with touch screen

– Power source connector

– Accelerometer

– 8 MHz crystal oscillator

Analog Add-on board features

This Add-on board has various features. The features used in this project are

Add-on board

  • Buzzer
  • Led’s
  • RS232 connector


The touchscreen used is resistive type.It works based on resistance on two layers of thin plastic sheets which has to be pressed.Works with finger nails, stylus, pen tip etc.Multiple touches are not supported.

As shown in above figure resistive touchscreen has two conductive sheets with small gap in between two.

To detect the co-ordinates of touch 4-wire method is used

STM32L Board

The 4-signals indicated are X+,X-,Y+,Y-.

Each sheet has finite resistance from one side to other side. The thick conductor on sides make sure resistance is linear

The procedure to detect touch coordinates is as follows

1. Detection

  • Connect X- & X+ to VCC and check for Y- & Y+ for any voltage
  • Once voltage detected, proceed to X and Y resolution

2.Resolving X

  • Connect X+ to VCC, X- to GND
  • Short Y- and Y+ and measure its voltage as ratio of VCC which is proportional to X

3.Resolving Y

  • Connect Y+ to VCC, Y- to GND
  • Short X- and X+ and measure its voltage as ratio of VCC which is proportional to Y

Once co-ordinates of X and Y are detected various applications can be implemented like Led on/off etc.

Software Algorithm

The flow chart of software algorithm is given below.

after each state it will will come back to main menu upon pressing back->home.

Project Description

When powered on the STM32L-LCD board, the LCD display will come up with the menus shown below.




| UART |          |


| BUZZ | TS |


LED: This function is used to turn ON or OFF 8-LEDS present on the board.

if pressed it will take to another display shown below


| L0on | L1on |


| L2on | L3on |


| L4on | L5on |


| L6on | L7on |


| Back -> home |


The captions L0on , L1on ….. if pressed ,turns on respective Led and also

displays L0of …. to off that led.

The caption Back->home takes to main menu.

UART: THis function is used to send or receive data to or from terminal using UART.

if pressed , displays another menus as shown below.


| data—>UART |


| UART—->data |


| Back -> home |


The caption “data—>UART” sends predefined messages , “UART—>data” receives

data from the terminal and Back -> home takes to main menu.

BUZZ: This function turns on the buzzer for 3 sec on the adon board.

PAINT: This is a small paint, here painting and drawing can be done with diffrent colors.

To watch demo of this project follow this link Touchscreen based applications


Library Functions used

ts_poll(&x,&y,&pressed) : returns touch co-ordinates in x and y and also sets pressed=1 when touch is detected

void LCD_SetCursor(unsigned int x, unsigned int y): Sets cursor at x and y position

void LCD_SetPixel(unsigned int x, unsigned int y, u16 color): sets pixel color represented by pixel pixel position X and Y and color.

Void LCD_DrawRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, u16 color): draws rectangle at position indicated by X and Y of width w and height h and fills with color represented by color.

void LCD_ConSetPos(unsigned int row, unsigned int col): sets the position of cursor in terms of rows and column to write string or character.

void LCD_Printf(const char *fmt, …): prints the character string on lcd pointed by pointer fmt.


Project Team

  • Pradip Kapure
  • Nagaraj Madotu