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Semaphore Assignment

  1. Program Timer0A for 500ms periodic interrupt
    Timer programming How to …
  2. Create two tasks as Task 1 and Task 2.
    Task 1 should be continuous processing task and display as “Task 1 is Running…”
    Task 2 will wait for the semaphore
  3. Toggle Blue LED if semaphore taken in the Task 2

Note: Semaphore objects must be initialised before use by calling atomSemCreate(). Once initialised atomSemGet() and atomSemPut() are used to decrement and increment the semaphore count respectively.

Code Snippets

/* Task 1 is continuous processing Task */
void Task1(uint32_t entry_param)
    while(1) {
        printf("%s", "Task1 is Running ...\n\r");
        for(volatile auto uint32_t ul = 0; ul < 0xffff; ul++ ){ ; }
/* Task 2 waits for semaphore */
void Task2(uint32_t entry_param)
    while(1) {
        /* Wait for (Get) semaphore, If Yes, Toggle Blue LED */
/* Timer0A Interrupt Service Routine */
void timer0a_isr((void)
    TIMER0_ICR_R = 0x01;            /* clear Timer0A timeout interrupt */
    /* Give (Put) Semaphore */


  1. Introduction to atomthreads
  2. atomthreads kernel Reference
  3. atomthreads Documentation