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Remote GSM

Our idea is to Monitor the patient’s Pulse rate continuously and send it over to the server in addition to that we are also giving access to the doctor so that
whenever the doctor wants his patient’s pulse rate history then he/she may be able to do that. In between doctor and patient, there is Admin (usually handled
by hospital staff). Admin is responsible for assigning the patient’s details to the doctor and he(Admin) can assign a particular doctor to the particular patient and
can change it from time to time. We have also added some extra features like whenever pulse rate goes out of safety range((40 – 120)per minute) then our
system will automatically call the assigned doctor so that required action can be taken in time.











Implementation details:
For the implementation, components used:
• Tiva TM4C123G6PM launchpad
• sim 800A GSM-GPRS module
• XD-58C heartbeat pulse sensor
• PIR motion sensor

Both the sensors and sim 800A module are connected to the Tiva board’s GPIO port E.

Tiva TM4C123G6PM launchpad











• Sim 800A GSM- GPRS module.











• XD-58C heartbeat pulse sensor












• PIR motion sensor












We used AT commands for sending, receiving messages, calling, and sending data to the server. We used the thingSpeak server, ThingSpeak allows
us to aggregate, visualize and analyze live data streams, produced by our sensors, in the cloud. For sending AT commands we used UART ports. The
UART0 and UART5 have been used. UART0 is used for communicating our laptop with the TIVA board and UART5 is used for communicating the TIVA
with the Sim 800A module.


AT commands for activation of sim 800A module:
• AT+IPR=9600 it sets the baud rate to 9600
• AT+CPMS = ME it selects the memory storage area as mobile(GSM
module) used for reading and deleting the messages.
• AT+CMGD= “index No.” it deletes the message of the given index
AT commands for sending messages and receiving:
• AT+CFUN = 1 it activates the system to full functionality.
• AT+CMGF =1 it decides the format of the message, i.e., text mode
• AT+CMGS = “9643020***” sets the sender’s mobile number. After
that, we have to type the message and press ctrl+Z.
AT commands for reading messages:
• AT+CMGR =” index No.” it reads the message of a particular index no.
AT commands for sending and downloading data to server:

AT+ CIPSHUT closes the GPRS modem.
AT+CIPMUX=0 shows single IP connection.
AT+CPAS shows module device status
AT+CSTT=\”portalnmms\”,\”\”,\”\”\r”) this command sets up the
apn, user name and password for the PDP context (portanlnmus is for
AT+CIICR sets the GPRS
AT+CIFSR returns the IP address
AT+CIPQSEND=0 command sets the transmitting mode as a normal
mode or quick send mode. In normal mode, when the server received
TCP data, it will respond with SEND OK. In quick send mode, when data
is sent to the module, it will respond DATA ACCEPT.
AT+CIPSTART=\”TCP\”,\”\”,\”80\”\r” starts
the TCP/UDP connection.





























Note: Ppm= 0 means finger is not placed and some high readings are due to































Demo: Remote Gsm demo

Code: Gsmcode