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In this section we show an SPI-based DAC and its interfacing to TM4C. The LTC1661 is a 10-bit SPI serial DAC from Linear Technology. It has two separate output channels, named A and B, as shown in the following figure.

The relation between the input number and the output voltage is as follows:

VOUT = ( VREF × DIN) / 1024

We can control the LTC1661 by sending 2 bytes of data. As shown in the following figure, the 16-bit is made of 3 parts: control code (4 bits), data (10 bits), and not used (2 bits). The control code are used to control the internal parts of the LTC1661.

As shown in above figure, each DAC is double buffered to provide simultaneous update. To do so, we load input buffers with proper values and then load the DAC buffers simultaneously. The following table shows the list of available control codes. To decrease power consumption, the DAC has a sleep mode, as well. We can switch between sleep and awake modes using proper control code.

A3 A2 A1 A0 Interrupt Register DAC Register Power Down
0 0 0 0 No Change No Update No Change No operation. power-down status unchanged
0 0 0 1 Load DAC A No Update No Change Load input register A with data. DAC outputs unchanged.
power-down Status unchanged
0 0 1 0 Load DAC B No Update No Change Reserved
0 0 1 1 Reserved
0 1 0 0 Reserved
0 1 0 1 Reserved
0 1 1 0 Reserved
0 1 1 1 Reserved
1 0 0 0 No Change Update Outputs Wake Load both DAC Regs with existing contents of input Regs.
Outputs update. Part wakes up
1 0 0 1 Load DAC A Update Outputs Wake Load input Reg A. Load DAC Regs with new contents of
input Reg A and existing contents of Reg B. Outputs update.
1 0 1 0 Load DAC B Update Outputs Wake Load input Reg B. Load DAC Regs with existing contents of
input Reg A and new contents of Reg B. Outputs update
1 0 1 1 Reserved
1 1 0 0 Reserved
1 1 0 1 No Change No Update Wake Part wakes up. Input and DAC Regs unchanged.
DAC outputs reflect existing contents of DAC Regs
1 1 1 0 No Change No Update Sleep Part goes to sleep. Input and DAC Regs unchanged.
DAC outputs set to high impedance state
1 1 1 1 Load ADCs A, B
with same10-bit code
Update Outputs Wake Load both input Regs. Load both DAC Regs with new
contents of input Regs. Outputs update. Part wakes up


Assuming that VREF=5V, find the result of sending the following packets to LTC1661:

  1.  0001 0001 0000 0000 binary  (0x1100)
  2. 1010 1000 1111 1100 binary (0xA8FC)


  1. In 0001 0001 0000 0000, control code is 0001. As a result it loads data = 0001000000 (decimal 64) to the input buffer register for channel A. Note that the output is not updated with this control code. The output will be updated after a control code of 1000 is sent. Therefore VOUTA = VREF * DIN / 1024 = 5 * 64 / 1024 = 0.31V.
  2. In 1010 1000 1111 1100, the control code is 1010. As a result it loads data 1000111111 (decimal 575) to the input buffer register of channel B and also updates the output. Therefore, VOUTB = VREF * DIN / 1024 = 5 * 575 / 1024 = 2.81V.

Configuring GPIO for SSI

In using SSI, we must also configure the GPIO pins to allow the connection of the CPU pins to SPI device pins. See the following table. In this regard, it is the same as all other peripherals. The steps are as follows:

  1. Enable the clock to the appropriate GPIO modules via the RCGCGPIO register.
  2. The related AFSEL bits (lower 8 bits) in the GPIO Alternate Function Select (GPIOAFSEL) register must be set to 1.
  3. The related bits in the GPIO Digital Enable (GPIODEN) register must be set to 1 to enable the digital function and disable the analog function.
  4. The related PMCx field in the GPIO Port Control (GPIOPCTL) register must be assigned with appropriate codes to enable the GPIO pins to work as desired SSI signal pins.
  5. Optionally the related AMSEL bits in the GPIO Analog Mode Select (GPIOAMSEL) register should be 0 to enable the analog isolation circuits to enable the selected pin to work as digital function pin.
SSI Pin GPIO Pin Pin Type PIN Function
SSI0Clk PA2 I/O SSI Module 0 Clock
SSI0Fss PA3 I/O SSI Module 0 Frame
SSI0Rx PA4 I SSI Module 0 Receive
SSI0Tx PA5 O SSI Module 0 Transmit
SSI1Clk PD0 or PF2 I/O SSI Module 1 Clock
SSI1Fss PD1 or PF3 I/O SSI Module 1 Frame
SSI1Rx PD2 or PF0 I SSI Module 1 Receive
SSI1TX PD3 or PF1 O SSI Module 1 Transmit
SSI2Clk PB4 I/O SSI Module 2 Clock
SSI2Fss PB5 I/O SSI Module 2 Frame
SSI2Rx PB6 I SSI Module 2 Receive
SSI2TX PB7 O SSI Module 2 Transmit
SSI3Clk PD0 I/O SSI Module 3 Clock
SSI3Fss PD1 I/O SSI Module 3 Frame
SSI3Rx PD2 I SSI Module 3 Receive
SSI3TX PD3 O SSI Module 3 Receive
Table: GPIO Pin Assignment for all 4 SSI Modules