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I2C Task

  1. Implement Date & Time and Display it on 2×16 LCD ( 1st line = Date, 2nd line = Time), update it every second.
    Date format should be : dd/mm/yyyy, and
    Time format should be : hh:mm:ss


  • Don’t use I2C1SCL(PA6) and I2C1SDA(PA7).
  • PA6(RS) and PA7(E) are used by LCD Interface.
  • PB0 to PB7 are used as LCD Data Bus.
  • So, we are left with I2C3SCL(PD0) and I2C3SDA(PD1).
  • Connect PD0 to pin No. 2 of J6
  • Connect PD1 to Pin No. 4 of J6