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In this lab, we’ll create a project that contains two source files, main.c and tm4c123gh6pm_startup_ccs_gcc.c, which contain the code to blink an LED on your LaunchPad board. The purpose of this lab is to practice creating projects and getting to know the look and feel of Code Composer Studio. In later labs we’ll examine the code in more detail. So far now, don’t worry about the C code we’ll be using in this lab.

Create a New CCS Project
Review the CCS GUI
Add Path and Build Variables
Add files to your project
Add the INCLUDE search paths for the header files
Examine Project Explorer
Build your project and fix any errors
Debug Configuration
Load, Debug, Run
Create a variable at workspace level in CCS 6.1.x and above


Create a New CCS12 Project

Launch CCS.


When the “Select a workspace” dialog appears, browse to your My Documents folder:

C:\Users\usrname>\My Documents



Obviously, replace <username> with your own username. The name and location for your workspace isn’t critical. Do not check the “Use this as the default and do not ask again” checkbox. If at some point you accidentally check this box, it can be changed in CCS. Click OK.

Create a New Project

To create a new project, select Project → New CCS Project

Create New Project

► For the project name : lab2► Compiler Version : GNU v6.3.1 (linaro)► Target : Tiva C Series, Tiva TM4C123GH6PM
► For Connection : choose Stellaris In-Circuit Debug Interface.This is the builtin emulator on the LaunchPad board.
► Project templates and examples box : choose Empty Project and Then click
