FreeRTOS Lab 01
- Create a CCS Project using FreeRTOS Project Template
- Add printf-stdarg.c file to project (Project > Add Files …)
- Initialize UART0 for 115,200 baud rate (assuming 16 MHz bus clock), 8 bit word length, no parity bits, one stop bit, FIFOs enabled. (UART0 Echo Source Code is available here)
- Create two tasks (vTask1 and vTask2) with equal priorities. vTask1 should display the string “Task 1 is Running …” and vTask2 should display the string “Task 2 is Running …”.
- After Displaying the string, introduce a small (crude) Delay;
void vTaskn(void * pvParameters) { for (;;) { printf("%s", "Task n is Running ..."); for( auto int32_t ul = 0; ul < 3180; ul++ ) { ; } } }
- Observe which Tasks strings Displayed and Why?
- Change Tasks priorities and Observe
- Delay generated using a null loop
- the task effectively polled an incrementing loop counter until it reached a fixed value.
- Disadvantages to any form of polling
- While executing the null loop, the task remains in the Ready state, ‘starving’ the other task of any processing time.
- During polling, the task does not really have any work to do, but it still uses maximum processing time and so wastes processor cycles.
- Replace the polling null loop with a call to vTaskDelay() API function corrects this behavior.
- Set INCLUDE_vTaskDelay to 1 in FreeRTOSConfig.h
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