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Beaglebone Black Wireless Quick Start Guide

Beaglebone Black Wireless – Quick Start Guide

Tethered to a PC

  1. Connect the USB cable to BeagleBone Black Wireless
  2. Connect the other end of the USB cable to the PC
  3. Look for new mass storage drive to appear on the PC
  4. Open the drive and click on STARTHTM
  5. Follow the instructions on the PC

Once booted you should see that the BeagleBone has connected as a media drive.

Now, you should be able to open the following url in your internet browser:

Now we are going to connect to the board using SSH in a terminal program. To connect to the board type the following in the terminal window:

ssh debian@

Enter password as temppwd

Connecting to IEEE8021x (PEAP/MSCAPV2) network with connman

Edit/Create : /var/lib/connman/peap-mschapv2.config

sudo vi /var/lib/connman/peap-mschapv2.config

Add the following lines:

Name = iiscwlan
Description = “IISc WLan”
Type = wifi
Name = iiscwlan
EAP = peap
Phase2 = MSCHAPV2
Identity =
Passphrase = iisc password

Reboot the Board

sudo reboot now

Connman will automatically pick up the connection if the identity and passphrase are correct.

sudo ifconfig

wlan0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr f4:5e:ab:53:4a:c0
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
inet6 addr: fe80::f65e:abff:fe53:4ac0/64 Scope:Link
RX packets:40 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:108 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000
RX bytes:7498 (7.3 KiB) TX bytes:17812 (17.3 KiB)

sudo connmanctl
connmanctl> enable wifi

Error wifi: Already enabled

connmanctl> scan wifi

Scan completed for wifi

connmanctl> services
*AO iiscwlan         wifi_f45eab534ac0_69697363776c616e_managed_ieee8021x
EMLAB                wifi_f45eab534ac0_454d4c4142_managed_psk
eduroam              wifi_f45eab534ac0_656475726f616d_managed_ieee8021x
DIRECT-AYLENOVO-PCmsII wifi_f45eab534ac0_4449524543542d41594c454e4f564f2d50436d734949_managed_psk
testing-tls          wifi_f45eab534ac0_74657374696e672d746c73_managed_ieee8021x
connmanctl> agent on

Agent registered

connmanctl> quit


To shutdown the board:

sudo shutdown -h now

Standalone with Keyboard and Mouse

  1. Connect a keyboard and mouse to the USB host port
  2. Connect an HDMI cable to the board
  3. Connect the HDMI cable to an HDMI monitor
  4. Plug in 5V 1A DC power supply
  5. Board will boot. Use Name:debian, Password:temppwd
  6. Desktop will appear on the monitor