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  1. Write software to sample a single channel at a periodic rate
    Set the maximum sampling rate at 125K samples/sec
  2. Write software to sample ADC channels 4 and 5 at 1 Khz
    Channel 4 on the TM4C123 is PD3 and channel 5 is PD2.
  3. Develop a  down-counting timer using a ADC and PWM peripherals
    1. UART commands that needs to be supported
      1. > timer set xxx (sec)
      2. > timer start/pause/resume/reset
    2. Further, SW1 and SW2 should provide functionality to start/stop/pause/resume the timer
    3. Servo motor is used to indicate the current timer status. It starts with max position and rotates to min value timer reaches zero value
    4. LED blink speed depends on the potentiometer value. Maximum deviation will keep LED on all the time and min value on potentiometer switches off LED
    5. 7-segment display is used to show timer value by default. However, whenever ADC value is changes, the seven segment shows updated ADC value for some time before displaying the Timer value
    6. 7-segment display should not flicker