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Seamless Transfer of Power from one Energy Router to Another – 2018


The idea here is to create a seamless transfer of from one node to another these nodes could be anything.These nodes should be able to demand power and supply power among themselves by switching the relays connecting them.In every node there would be a ADC which will be sensing the voltage at that node .Suppose there is one source node and other is sink node.The sink node will continuously check for the voltage level of it’s battery every 10sec if it is below certain level it will ask for the power from the source node through UART and handshaking will take place between the nodes and source node will switch on the relay for period of 4sec.This will continue until the voltage level of sink battery is more the threshold voltage.


Functional block diagram


In the above block diagram any one of the node can act as source and the other as load.There are different kind of loads connected to the battery which is represented as Source/Sink.



Functional block diagram




Functional block diagram


In the Tiva C we have have used UART1 for communication and ADC0 for measuring voltage of battery.Pin PE3 is used to switch relay.



Functional block diagram




[1] The code is in the given link .Read the README file first