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The Leader-Follower Line Following Robots project is a sophisticated system
designed to autonomously navigate along a predefined path using two robots – a leader and
a follower. The primary objective of the project is to demonstrate the synchronization and
coordination between the leader and follower robots using advanced components and
communication protocols.
Main Components:
Leader Robot:
The leader robot is equipped with the following components:
1. TIVA Microcontroller: A powerful microcontroller unit (MCU) chosen for its real-time
processing capabilities and compatibility with a Real-Time Operating System (RTOS).
2. Wi-Fi Module: Facilitates wireless communication between the leader robot and the
server, allowing for the transmission of motor encoder values.
3. Motor Driver: Controls the DC motors responsible for propelling the leader robot along
the predefined path.
4. Array IR Sensor: Utilized for line following, enabling the leader robot to track and follow
the designated line accurately.
5. Power Supply: A 1500mAH battery provides the necessary power to operate the leader
robot during its navigation tasks.
Follower Robot:
The follower robot is equipped with similar components to the leader robot, with a few
1. TIVA Microcontroller: Like the leader, the follower robot is powered by a TIVA
microcontroller, ensuring compatibility and efficient processing.
2. Wi-Fi Module: Enables wireless communication with the server, facilitating data exchange
and synchronization with the leader robot.
3. Motor Driver: Controls the DC motors responsible for propelling the follower robot,
ensuring synchronized movement with the leader.
4. Ultrasonic Sensor: Used for distance measurement, allowing the follower robot to
maintain a specific distance from the leader robot.
5. Power Supply: Similar to the leader robot, the follower robot is powered by a 1500mAH
battery, ensuring sufficient power for its operations.Working:
Leader Robot:
1. Read IR Sensor Values: The leader robot continuously reads IR sensor values to detect
and track the predefined line.
2. Line Following Algorithm: Utilizes a predetermined algorithm to interpret IR sensor data
and adjust motor speeds accordingly, ensuring accurate line following.
3. Send Motor Values via Wi-Fi: Transmits motor encoder values via Wi-Fi to the server,
providing real-time feedback on its movement.
Follower Robot:
1. Detect Leader: The follower robot employs its ultrasonic sensor to detect the leader
robot’s presence and calculate the initial distance.
2. Read Motor Values: Receives motor encoder values from the server via Wi-Fi, ensuring
synchronized movement with the leader.
3. Trajectory Calculations: Utilizes received motor values to calculate its trajectory and
adjust motor speeds accordingly, maintaining synchronization with the leader.
Tasks to Be Done:
The project involves several tasks to be completed for successful implementation:
1. Building Leader and Follower Bots: Assembling the mechanical components and
establishing connections between motors, microcontrollers, and motor drivers.
2. RTOS Setup: Configuring and deploying Real-Time Operating Systems (RTOS) on both
leader and follower bots to ensure efficient task management and real-time responsiveness.
3. Communication Setup: Establishing communication protocols between the bots and the
server, including initial testing and debugging.
4. Encoder Calibration: Calibrating motor encoders to ensure accurate feedback and
movement control.
5. Algorithm Implementation: Developing and integrating line following algorithms and
trajectory calculations for both leader and follower bots.
6. Final Communication Setup: Fine-tuning communication protocols and ensuring seamless
transmission of encoder and sensor values between bots and the server.Conclusion:
The Leader-Follower Line Following Robots project represents a significant advancement in
autonomous navigation systems, demonstrating the feasibility of synchronized movement
between multiple robots. By leveraging advanced components, communication
technologies, and algorithmic implementations, the project showcases the potential of
robotics in real-world applications. With further refinement and optimization, such systems
could find widespread use in various industries, including logistics, manufacturing, and

Code:Leader follower project

Video: Leader follower