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I Objective

The objective of this project is to design an Intelli-gent Electronic Device (IED) using GOOSE based
on the TivaC platform for applications in SmartGrids. This required Designing and implementa-
tion of the GOOSE (Generic Object-Oriented Sub-station Event) protocol on the Tiva C series micro-
controller.The primary focus is on enhancing the efficiency, reliability, and security of electric power sys-
tems by implementing advanced control and monitoring capabilities by enabling communication between
different devices(using Tiva) within the grid for real-time data exchange.

II Tasks

1.The design of the proposed IED is based on theTivaC platform, chosen for its high processing ca-
pacity, communication capabilities, portability, and cost-effectiveness.
2. One Tiva microcontroller will act as the packet(goose) sender generating and sending
the real-time data updates while the other Tiva microcontroller will act as the receiver. It receives
and processes the message data.
3. The signal is decoded at receiver and controller take necessary steps to control the process of transmission
of power supply.

III Introduction
Implementation of continuous communication between the two IED create Smart Grid (SG) that integrates
power, communication, and information technologies to improve the electric power infrastructure’s efficiency and
functionality. Traditionally, power systems operated with one-way power flow from central stations to consumers.
However, advancements in technology have led to the integration of distributed resources like renewable energy
sources and energy storage systems into the grid. This integration, coupled with advanced communication and
control systems, enables more efficient and reliable power delivery.

IV Design
IED Based on TivaC Platform
The proposed IED performs voltage, current and load(ROR C) sensing, conditioning, acquisition, processing, andtransmission. Hardware components include voltage, cur-rent, Load circuits, utilizing operational amplifiers and
sensors. The TivaC microcontroller platform, featuring a high-performance microcontroller, facilitates data acqui-
sition, processing, transmission and controling the powersupply.



Figure 1: The proposed IED at one side




V Hardware Description
The IED hardware comprises voltage, current, Load cir- cuits for signal sensing and conditioning, along with the
TivaC platform for data acquisition and processing. The voltage circuit utilizes a transformer and operational am-
plifiers, while the current circuit employs a current sensor and amplifiers, The Load circuit uses resistive and capaci-
tive load. The TivaC platform integrates an ARM Cortex M4F microcontroller senses the data from all three ciruit
after passing from an Analog filter that stabalize the noise in the signal and pass to the 12 bit ADC of Tiva ,using
Tiva helpful since it offering high performance and low power consumption.
Voltage and Current Signal Circuits
These circuits comprise transformers, variable resistors, operational amplifiers, and sensors for voltage and cur-
rent measurement. The circuits are designed to ensure ac- curate signal conditioning and amplification while main-
taining compatibility with the Analog-Digital Converter(ADC) input levels.

Load Signal Circuits
These circuits comprise a Voltage source, variable resistors, capacitor, and sensors for Load measure-
ment(Resistive or Capacitive). The circuits are designed to ensure accurate signal conditioning and amplification
while maintaining compatibility with the Analog-Digital Converter (ADC) input levels.

Figure 2: Fixed +12V linear regulator circuit



Communication Hardware:
The IED utilizes a Hybrid Network Architecture (HNA) for communication, incorporating both wired (Ethernet
and Power Line Communication) and wireless (Radio Frequency) infrastructure. The communication protocols are
implemented using open-source programming to ensureinteroperability and flexibility.
Overall, the hardware components are selected to meet the requirements of high processing capacity, reliable
communication, and cost-effectiveness, essential for thesuccessful implementation for all the possible case for
anamoly detection in the power supply.

TivaC Platform:
The core of the IED is based on the TivaC microcontroller platform, specifically the TM4C123GH6PM Cor-
texTM M4F. This platform offers high performance, lowpower consumption, and features such as ADC channels,
timers, PWM outputs, and serial communication inter-faces. sender Tiva Utilizes 3 ADC (Analog-to-Digital
Converter) pins to sample analog signals from the circuitand converts analog signals from the sensor to digital data
and finally transmitting the digital data after encodinginto GOOSE message format, using the GOOSE protocol
via UART communication. And receiver tiva communi-cating with pc to get continuous data from UART com-
munication. Finally extracts and decode the digital data from the GOOSE messages.Print the message on UART
for monitoring purposes.

VI GOOSE using tiva
Implementing the GOOSE protocol communication usingtwo Tiva microcontrollers as sender and receiver via
UART involves the following steps:
Hardware Setup:
Utilize Tiva microcontrollers with UART capability.
Connect UART pins between the sender and receiver
Ensure proper power and ground
Software Development:
Configure UART communication on both microcon-
Implement GOOSE protocol stack on both sender and receiver. Develop functions for GOOSE message
creation, encoding, and decoding. Set up the sender to periodically transmit GOOSE messages. Program the
receiver to listen for incoming UART data and process
GOOSE messages.

Figure 3: UART input from IED1



Figure 4: EduArm4 Board kaypad

Data Transmission:
Encode data into GOOSE message format. Transmit GOOSE messages from sender to receiver using UART.
Ensure transmission timing adheres to protocol requirements.
Data Reception:
Configure receiver to receive UART data. Extract and decode GOOSE payload from received UART data. Pro-
cess received data for analysis or control actions.
Error Handling:
Implement error detection mechanisms to ensure data integrity. Handle communication errors or packet loss. Implement retransmission mechanisms if needed.


VII Conclusion
The development and integration of the TivaC-based Intelligent Electronic Device (IED) based on the TivaC plat-
form for Smart Grid applications coupled with the incorporation of the GOOSe protocol, represent significant
strides towards the realization of robust, intelligent, andsustainable Smart Grids, poised to meet the challenges
of modern energy systems. Additionally, the introduction of the GOOSe protocol plays a pivotal role in fa-
cilitating seamless communication among various components of the Smart Grid infrastructure. By incorporating
GOOSe, the IED ensures standardized, efficient, and secure data exchange, contributing to the reliability and
interoperability of the entire grid ecosystem


[1] F. Salvadori, C. S. Gehrke, L. V. Hartmann, E. T.Macedo, A. L. de Lima and S. L. Maia, ”Design of
an intelligent electronic device based on TivaC platformfor smart grid applications,” 2016 IEEE International
Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Confer-ence Proceedings, Taipei, Taiwan, 2016, pp. 1-6, doi:
[2] IEEE Std 2030-201d, “IEEE guide for smart grid interop-erability of energy technology and information technology
operation with the electric power system (eps), end-use applications, and loads,” pp. 1—126, Sept 2011.

Video:  part I

part II

code: GOOSE_Using_IED